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Creativity and Innovation

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What is creativity?

It is the ability of the human being to create something from other ideas that are new and interesting, that is, the ability to analyze and value new ideas, solving problems that arise in the course of the human being’s life and the challenges that they are presented in the academic and everyday.

In short: Creativity is the ability to produce original responses to any problem, in such a way that creative thinking encourages imagination, the generation of multiple responses, it is a type of divergent, lateral thinking that as a result generates new ideas.

When are we creative?

When we move away from the familiar and accept the uncertain as real, when we take risks and go out into unknown territory, so we unleash our creativity, and challenges and brilliant ideas emerge.

In short, when we leave our comfort zone and experiment (Martin, 2013).

How do we prepare our mind for ideation?

How do we prepare our mind for ideation?

To do this, we must bear in mind that the left hemisphere is associated with the rational and analytical, the right hemisphere is associated with the creative, so that design thinking mixes the positive of both hemispheres, but with the focus on respecting knowledge that I already have and future knowledge.

What does all this contribute?

Combine validity, exploitation and exploration, analysis and intuition to achieve competitive advantages.

Characteristics of creativity

Originality: It allows to visualize the problems with another perspective

Flexibility: Generate different solutions to the same problem

Particular elaboration: Modify the concepts in order to improve them

“The way to get good ideas is to have many ideas”

(Linus Pauling, 2011)

What tools can be used?

Idea generation: brainstorming


  • Draw an outline of the problem
  • Work with opposing approaches
  • Use concrete examples
  • Focus on the bigger problem

SCAMPER method: Substitute, combine, adapt, modify, find other uses, delete and reorder

Do you want to know what kind of creative personality you have?

I would recommend that you clicked on the next link, to do the test about your creative type:

What is innovation?

Innovation is developing a new way of doing things that leads to a certain goal. Each innovation process is specific for each case, and company, so that the path to reach each challenge is most likely unique. That is why it is difficult to strictly define a method to innovate, because sometimes it lacks logic, because it addresses problems that have not yet been discovered.

Normally, innovation is associated with the advancement of companies and society, this is because innovation increases the value of companies and what they generate. Innovating is, in fact, a necessity for companies in order to survive and progress. And here, the frequency and intensity with which the innovation processes are carried out depends on a large number of circumstances that will determine the innovative nature of the company, and that may become included in the business culture.

In short, it is the significant improvement of a process, product or service, and can generate: A new way of doing things, greater process efficiency, greater efficiency, and / or improve the competitiveness of the company.

With all this, innovation can be determined by:

The perception of the client, since he thinks that our product is novel, Existence of competitors with the same product / service, Availability of the technologies we use, The way in which we reach the client, among others.

What are the types of Innovation according to classics to the Schumpeter?

The introduction of new products or improvement of existing ones.

The creation of a new method of production or marketing.

Opening new markets.

The conquest of new sources of raw materials.

Creation of a new organization in an industry.

Finally, we should say that creativity is search ideas and solutions, while innovation is pushing these ideas into the market, or production process.