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The SCAMPER method

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What is the SCAMPER Method?

The SCAMPER method is an alternative method to classical problem-solving approaches. It assumes that every new solution and ‘novelty’ in general is a modification of what already exists. All that is needed is to adjust specific needs and expectations. Changes are introduced according to a list of questions derived from the acronym SCAMPER:

S – Substitute – What and how can we substitute? Can we replace the people who are involved in the project? Can we substitute particular elements of the project?

C – Combine – Is there something we can combine to achieve the desired effect? Can we combine talents and competences?

A – Adapt – Have you already worked on a similar project that you could be inspired by? Can you apply solutions from another project to this one?

M – Magnify – In which area do you need more staff? What needs to be increased to achieve the desired effect?

P – Put to Another Use – Is there something you can use ‘differently’?, Who can

use the assumptions? Can you look at this project from a different perspective?

E – Eliminate – Is there anything you can simplify or eliminate to unify the project? Can you skip any step?

R – Reverse – Can you take a different approach and reverse the order? If so, what would be the effect?

How to use the SCAMPER method in practice?

The first most important step in applying the SCAMPER method is to define precisely the problem we want to solve. We need to carefully analyse the solutions we have used so far and then consider what factor contributed to the failure of the attempt to solve the problem. Consider our expectations and goals.

We then move on to the questions. The above list of questions derived from the acronym SCRAMPER can be used in any order. When we have finished answering a question, we move on to the next question, and so on. Remember that you can only give one answer per question. Another important tip in using this method is to set a time frame in which we have to answer the questions. Once we have one answer to each question, we repeat the activity, starting with the first question, and so on until we have exhausted the ideas.

The SCAMPER method – what problems will it help us solve?

We can use this method for both personal and business purposes. Due to the theme of our project, we will focus on problem solving in businesses. Here are some examples where we can use the SCAMPER method:

building a team management strategy – analysing past successes and failures, as well as the competences, strengths and weaknesses of employees, can help us to make changes in the day-to-day functioning of the team. By doing so, we will increase efficiency and motivation among employees.

dealing with clients who have high expectations – Comparing solutions that have been applied with other clients and used in negotiations and contrasting them with our client’s expectations will make our life and cooperation much easier and will allow us to look at the problem from a different perspective.

– problem solving between employees – this method also works well when there is a conflict between employees. A thorough analysis of the situation will help to prevent another such situation from occurring.

What other methods can we use to increase innovative thinking?

Ideation Techniques will soon appear on our platform, which will be described in a methodological way and which will perhaps inspire you to implement these techniques in your company.

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