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Ideation techniques in design thinking

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Design thinking is a human-centered approach to problem-solving that involves empathizing with users, defining the problem, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing. Ideation, or the generation of ideas, is a critical step in the design thinking process, and involves coming up with as many potential solutions to a problem as possible. In this article, we will explore some ideation techniques commonly… Read More »Ideation techniques in design thinking

Challenges are not always bad and the example of Carmen and the other extraordinary girls project

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In the last 3 years, starting from 2020 when the Covid pandemic broke out and dominated all over the world, the way how the world had functioned was forced to dramatically change. Gathering activities basically foster physical connections as the default purposes; however, the social distancing restrictions had stopped all these kinds of interactions. With that reason, many social and… Read More »Challenges are not always bad and the example of Carmen and the other extraordinary girls project

The SCAMPER method

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What is the SCAMPER Method? The SCAMPER method is an alternative method to classical problem-solving approaches. It assumes that every new solution and ‘novelty’ in general is a modification of what already exists. All that is needed is to adjust specific needs and expectations. Changes are introduced according to a list of questions derived from the acronym SCAMPER: S –… Read More »The SCAMPER method

From de idea to the solution: Ideas are the beginning, not the end of the innovation process

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The innovation process and/or the problem resolution process can be a complex process. We cannot be naïve to the point where we believe all our problems, or the innovation of our organizations are solved with the implementation of ideation techniques as part of routines. But to be fair, if the ideation processes are not used, the chances of an organization… Read More »From de idea to the solution: Ideas are the beginning, not the end of the innovation process

Why creating a Mood board is an ideation technique for businesses?

Plenty of the ideation techniques can be used to a business in order to promote innovation and creativity among the workforce. However, the one that can be used before even the actual process of implementing a project in order to provoke a “feeling” or creativity to the workforce, are Mood boards. Basically, anyone that is creating an object that needs… Read More »Why creating a Mood board is an ideation technique for businesses?

How ideation can help turn an “absurd” idea into a successful business – A typical example of Airbnb

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There are many products and services that people nowadays consider being normal; however, they were deemed “absurd” when being launched. Amazon was founded in 1994 as an online book store when people still remained sceptical about the safety of using credit cards for online purchasing, but today it is the leading online retailer in the world. Another fascinating example is… Read More »How ideation can help turn an “absurd” idea into a successful business – A typical example of Airbnb

Ideation Techniques Can Solve Challenging Business Problems

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Ideation is the process of generating new ideas, which can be accomplished through of ideation techniques. Ideation helps CEO determine the right solution for your problems. “Ideation” is the third phase of the design thinking process. The ideation phase is critical for the outcome of the innovation process and business development. These techniques used to be collectives as they can… Read More »Ideation Techniques Can Solve Challenging Business Problems

Are you ready to fail?

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Failure, that scary word While culture may impact the perceived meaning of failure from country to country, all over the word this simple word carries a stigma and a burden that no one wants to carry. When we fail, we may feel a wide range of unpleasant feeling – frustration, weakness, willing to give up, unhappiness, hungry, shame, regret and… Read More »Are you ready to fail?

On the way to innovation – 6 Thinking Hats method

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Structuring the thinking process The 6 Thinking Hats method was introduced to the world in 1985 by Dr. Edward de Bono, who created it while thinking about improving critical thinking techniques. He felt that there needed to be a better method that would produce a more effective and organized result. The 6 Thinking Hats method is based on the concept… Read More »On the way to innovation – 6 Thinking Hats method